Bokar Ngedon Chokhor Ling

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Meditation Seminar
Bokar Mahamudra Seminars International
20th Anniversary Mahamudra and Yidam Seminar
October 29 to November 9, 2012
On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche’s first Mahamudra seminar for his international students, a combined Mahamudra and Yidam seminar will be offered at Bokar Ngedon Choekhor Ling in 2012. This will be an opportunity to receive once again the incredibly precious teachings and blessings of the lineage so kindly and compassionately transmitted by Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche and continued by the Venerable Khenchen Lodoe Thonyor Rinpoche without interruption over these past twenty years. In accordance with the specific wishes and intent of Khenpo Rinpoche, it will also be an opportunity for us, as his students, to express our deepest gratitude for the profoundly meaningful gift of Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche’s teaching by reuniting in the sacred mandala of his compassionate vision, which not only manifested as the yearly seminar, but grew and continues to flourish as a far-reaching, interconnected network of committed practitioners and teachers. By our acknowledgement and participation in this mandala, in the deepest sense we are fulfilling our precious lama’s wish that each and every one of his students may recognize their own boundless potential for practice and ultimate realization of the Buddhadharma, and thereby truly to be of benefit to our fellow sentient beings.
Moreover, when we gather together for the seminar next year, we will also celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the great Indian mahasiddha Maitripa (1007-1078), who is known to have come to the hills of Mirik to meditate and transmit his realization of Mahamudra, which is the very heart of the Kagyu lineage. Indeed, the teachings of Maitripa are a living tradition, transmitted in an unbroken stream of realization and blessings from Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa and the Karmapas down to our own precious lama, Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche. Reaffirming our indispensable connection to the lineage in this way, we are afforded yet another opportunity to express our gratitude to Rinpoche for his unfathomable kindness in transmitting these teachings to his students. 
It is Khenpo Rinpoche’s wish that all who are able should come for this occasion, for what will be a precious opportunity to receive teachings and empowerments from His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche, share many of our stories and experiences and especially to express our gratitude for our priceless heritage as students. By gathering together and engaging in these activities, we will undoubtedly strengthen our resolve to put the teachings into practice, in that way demonstrating our deepest appreciation by fulfilling the wishes of our compassionate lama, Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche who is, in essence, none other than the three jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.